What to visit

The Walls of Lucca

Begun to build in 1504 and finished only in 1648, the Walls enclose the historic center and constitute the symbol of the city. Exactly 4 kilometers long and 223 meters long, they are the only ones of their kind to be completely passable both on foot and by car (although today it is forbidden to travel by car). They were never used for defensive purposes, but mainly as a deterrent and then converted into a large public park in the nineteenth century.

Botanical Garden

The Botanical Garden Founded in 1820 by Maria Luisa di Borbone, this wonderful garden extends over two hectares and hosts, in addition to a large floristic heritage, a library, herbariums, and laboratory museums.

Info and tickets: Botanical Garden

Guinigi Tower

45 meters high, this famous tree-lined tower was built around 1390 by the powerful Guinigi Lucca family as a symbol of the rebirth of the city under their control: on top of it, in fact, there is a hanging garden, consisting of seven live oaks. It is the only medieval tower, which belonged to private families, not to have been demolished or cut off in the 16th century.

Info and tickets: Guinigi Tower

Tower of the hours

Lucca is nicknamed the city of a hundred churches due to the large number of religious buildings, of various different ages, present within the walls. Currently, many churches have been deconsecrated, but some religious buildings of great interest still stand out, not to mention that every stately building has its own private chapel.



The Cathedral of San Martino, founded by San Frediano in the 11th century and later remodeled, it contains masterpieces by Nicola Pisano, Jacopo della Quercia and Tintoretto. Furthermore, the ancient crucifix of the Holy Face and the funeral monument of Ilaria del Carretto are preserved inside.


Orto Botanico

L’Orto Botanico Fondato nel 1820 da Maria Luisa di Borbone, questo meraviglioso giardino si estende per due ettari e ospita, oltre a un ampio patrimonio floristico, una biblioteca, erbari, e musei laboratorio.

Per info e biglietti: Orto botanico

Torre Guinigi

45 meters high, this famous tree-lined tower was built around 1390 by the powerful Guinigi family from Lucca as a symbol of the rebirth of the city under their control: on top of it, in fact, there is a hanging garden, consisting of seven holm oaks. It is the only medieval tower, which belonged to private families, that was not demolished or severed in the 16th century.

Per info e biglietti: Torre Guinigi

Torre delle ore

Lucca è soprannominata la città delle cento chiese per il grande numero di edifici di culto, di varie epoche differenti, presenti all’interno delle Mura. Attualmente, molte chiese sono state sconsacrate, ma spiccano ancora alcuni edifici religiosi di grande interesse, senza contare che ogni palazzo signorile ha la sua cappella privata.



La Cattedrale di San Martino, fondato da San Frediano nel XI sec. e successivamente rimaneggiato, contiene capolavori di Nicola Pisano, Jacopo della Quercia e Tintoretto. Inoltre, al suo interno sono conservati l’antico crocifisso del Volto Santo e il monumento funebre di Ilaria del Carretto.


Other points of interest

Famous for its central location, the church of San Michele in Foro it is a marble structure built starting from 1070 representing an example of Pisan-Lucca architecture. It overlooks the square of the same name in the area of the ancient Roman forum, still the nerve center of city life. From the church of San Michele, along the main street of the city, Via Fillungo, we arrive atBasilica di San Frediano, one of the oldest religious buildings and fulcrum of the procession of the Holy Cross which takes place on September 13th each year.
Via Fillungoit is the heart of Lucca’s commercial and artisan activity, which skilfully combines ancient and modern. It offers visitors the chance to shop in boutiques in medieval buildings, immersed in a timeless atmosphere.
A stop to remember is the Piazza dell’Anfiteatro, a jewel of the city of Lucca with its welcoming restaurants and its painters and artists shops. Every April 27th the city pays tribute to the patron saint Santa Zita by coloring Piazza Amphitheater in colors with the traditional flower market.
Visiting Lucca is not to be missed Piazza Napoleone, named by the citizens of LuccaPiazza Grande, which represents a space born to be the center of political power with the Palazzo Ducaleplaced at his side, today seat of the Province. The arrangement of the square is very different from the original one: in fact the works promoted in the nineteenth century by Elisa Bonaparte Baciocchi, to pay homage to her brother Napoleone, led to the current structuring of the square which recalls, in fact, for some stretches, the great Parisian expanses . Today, Piazza Napoleone is the scene of numerous cultural events, such as the Lucca Summer Festival which hosts performances by world-famous artists. Trying to make the most of their historic buildings, the city of Lucca has transformed various noble palaces into important museums and major public buildings. Among these we recommend a visit to Palazzo Mansi, a seventeenth-century building that houses the collection of the National Art Gallery consisting of valuable Italian and foreign works created between the Renaissance and the eighteenth century. While offering its visitors a visit to places rich in history and culture, in recent years the city of Lucca has decided to open up to the new by promoting festivals and exhibitions that have acquired international visibility for interest and avant-garde. The traditional Lucca antiques market, which takes place every third Sunday of the month, is accompanied by initiatives of great appeal such as the Lucca Comics&Games, the international festival of comics that involves the whole city between October and November. The aforementioned Lucca Summer Festival, a proven musical event that in July makes Piazza Napoleone a stage for internationally renowned artists, and the LUCCA Digital PHOTO fest ,important festival of photography and visual art that shows off from late November until mid-December. How not to mention Puccini and his Lucca International Festival, the only permanent festival in the world, offering special concerts every day, all year round, in the fascinating Basilica of San Giovanni. The concerts begin at 7.00 pm and include famous national and international singers and pianists. A great opportunity to appreciate the voice of the most famous Lucchese in the world, with different interpreters and programs every night, to give the public the widest idea of the Puccini genius often compared to the music and arias of other great Italian operas.